Stop the Home Depot Build in our Residential Community

Home Depot is requesting that the Manatee County Board of Commissioners rezone existing residential and agricultural land at the corner of Lorraine and Rangeland roads to commercial use. 

This land sits in the heart of our neighborhoods, an area intended for homes, not large big-box stores. Such a development will lead to increased traffic, noise, light, and air pollution, disrupting the character and peace of our community. It also raises concerns about school safety, property value declines, and potential flooding issues. We need to stand together to protect the integrity of Lakewood Ranch.

For over 3 decades, the parcels of land at the corner of Lorraine and Rangeland have been zoned for residential and agricultural use. This zoning was established to create a peaceful living environment, ensuring that the area remains a quiet, safe place for families. This residential zoning aligns with the existing community, schools, and infrastructure that have developed around it. The introduction of a large commercial development, such as a Home Depot, would disrupt the balance of this carefully planned neighborhood and pose significant risks to the safety and well-being of residents.

The proposed Home Depot development is alarmingly close to several schools in our community, including the new high school, Lakewood Ranch Preparatory Academy, Gullett Elementary, and Dr. Mona Jain Middle School. The proximity of a big-box store like Home Depot to these schools raises serious safety concerns.

Our children, who walk, bike, or scooter to school, should not have to navigate roads filled with semis, trailers, and increased traffic from a commercial construction site. The presence of large vehicles and heavy machinery so close to school zones is a recipe for accidents, especially with new teenage drivers on the road.

As parents and community members, our top priority must be the safety of our children, and placing a Home Depot next to these educational institutions endangers that safety.

Due to the impacts of Tropical Storm Debbie, our community has already experienced extreme flooding, a consequence of overdevelopment. The construction of a big-box store like Home Depot will exacerbate water drainage issues, increasing the risk of flooding. This heightened flood risk will lead to more frequent and severe property damage, as well as a greater risk of injury to residents.

The construction of a big-box store like Home Depot will lead to increased air pollution from vehicle emissions and diesel exhaust, along with noise and light pollution from 24/7 operations.

Additionally, this development will negatively affect local wildlife habitats, compounding the existing environmental challenges in our area. The disruption to the natural environment and the constant flow of traffic associated with commercial development of this size pose a significant threat to the overall environmental health of our community.

While we understand the desire for a closer Home Depot, placing it in a residential area will have long-term negative impacts that outweigh the convenience. There are more appropriate locations within Lakewood Ranch or nearby that are better suited for commercial development without disrupting residential zones.